Section 1: Membership is institutional and is open to institutions of higher learning with Department of Education and or Council for Higher Education Accreditation approved accreditation.
- Institutions of complex organization with multi-campuses that have autonomous Registrars and Admissions Officers shall be considered as separate institutional memberships.
- Institutions not designated by acceptable accreditation may be considered and approved by the Executive Committee of the Association
Section 2: Each active member of the Association shall be entitled to vote on all matters at the annual conference.
- Should there be a question raised on the result of a vote, then the Secretary shall call the role and each institution present will have one vote on the matter.
- The designated representative for each institution shall be identified when the institution’s name is called, and shall then cast her/his vote.
- The majority votes of the institutions will determine the outcome of the challenged issue.
Section 3: In keeping with the purpose of this Association, active members shall be those individuals with usual duties in the administrative areas pertaining to admissions, advising, data management, enrollment management, financial aid, institutional research, learning skills, orientation, records, registration, and closely related functions among institutions of higher learning in Missouri.
- Active members shall be listed by the institution’s Primary Contact during the annual membership drive.
- Active members may be added to the membership list any time.
- The active members shall conduct matters of Association business. They shall elect officers who, serving as the Executive Committee, shall conduct all Association business assigned to them.
- Only active members shall be eligible to serve as officers, to serve on committees, or be listed in the Membership Directory.
Section 4: The names of individuals who have been members of MACRAO for ten years or longer and who retire from the profession will be submitted by the Nominating Committee to the Executive Committee for consideration for honorary membership. Upon approval by a simple majority of the Executive Committee, honorary membership will be granted. Honorary members will be listed in the annual directory and will be invited to the annual conference. In addition, they will be encouraged to subscribe to the MACRAO list serve and to participate in the discussions and the dissemination of information therein.
Honorary members may attend at the designated Honorary Member rate for any given conference or other MACRAO meeting.
Section 5: Associate membership will be granted upon approval of the Executive Committee to organizations, agencies, institutions, and individuals that contribute information and ideas of common interest to the membership and to the advancement of higher education in Missouri. Associate members will be charged dues and will be non-voting members of the Association.
Section 1: Officers of the Association shall be active institutional members only.
Section 2: The elected officers of the Association shall include the following:
- President
- President-Elect
- Vice-President for Web Services and Technology
- Vice-President for Membership and Outreach
- Treasurer
- Treasurer-Elect
- Secretary/Historian
- Vice President for Government Relations
- Past President
Section 3: The officers in Article II, Section 2 of the By-Laws, shall constitute an Executive Committee with the authority to plan the annual conference.
Section 4: The officers of the Association shall serve in the following capacities:
- The President shall assume responsibility for all the general activities of the Association, act as Chairperson of the Executive Committee, appoint members to standing and ad hoc committees and preside at the annual meeting.
- The President shall be elected for a one-year term of office.
- MACRAO values the participation of the president and president-elect in the national AACRAO conferences. The association encourages the president to attend the annual AACRAO meeting and conference, as well as the president-elect to attend the AACRAO State and Regional Officers Meeting. MACRAO will financially support their attendance and participation in these events in accordance with the organization’s ability and will pay for food, travel, the conference fee, and the hotel room. In the event they are unable to attend, a designee may be appointed. Those who attend should report to the Board about the meeting.
- The President-Elect shall serve as principal assistant to the President, shall organize the annual conference and shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President.
- The President-Elect shall be elected for a one-year term and shall succeed to the Presidency of the Association the ensuing year.
- The Vice-President for Membership and Outreach shall be responsible for coordinating the annual membership drive, maintaining the membership database, and editing, publishing and/or production of all communications (in any and all media formats) approved by the membership or directed by the Executive Committee. This may include, but not be limited to, the annual membership directory, the MACRAO newsletter and the MACRAO list serve. The Vice-President shall post appropriate news items to the list serve in a timely manner and provide those items to the Vice President for Web Services for posting to the MACRAO web site.
- The Vice-President for Membership and Outreach shall also recruit vendors for the annual conference shall be elected for a two-year term.
- The Treasurer shall collect all funds for the Association, pay bills, prepare a written financial statement for submission at the annual meeting of the Association,and file all state and federal papers to keep the Association in compliance.
- The Treasurer shall be elected for a three-year term – serving two years as Treasurer following one year as Treasurer-Elect. Should the Treasurer leave his/her position during their tenure in the role, the Treasure elect will assume the role of the treasurer. When and if this situation arises, the Board can decide on when will be the best time to fill the Treasurer-Elect position.
- The Treasurer-Elect shall be elected for a three-year term – serving as Treasurer-Elect for one year and Treasurer for two years.
- The Secretary/Historian shall be the custodian of the records of the Association. Duties include keeping and publishing/distributingthe minutes of the annual meeting and Executive Committee Meetings, as well as keeping an accurate record of all written materials for the organization, including but not limited to, newsletters, meeting minutes and conference materials. The Secretary/Historian will also update the "History of MACRAO" publication on an annual basis (printing and distribution of this document will be at the discretion of the Executive Committee).
- The Secretary/Historian shall be elected for a two-year term.
- The Vice-President for Web Services and Technology shall be responsible for maintenance of the MACRAO website, (including communication with vendors hired to support the site), be responsible for posting pertinent items from other officers and for managing database information from the website functions as needed.
- The Vice-President for Web Services and Technologyshall be elected for a two-year term and work closely with the Vice-President for Communications and Outreach.
- The Vice-President for Government Relations shall serve two-year term and will be the primary contact for AACRAO for issues related to higher-education topics and policies. The Vice- President will be responsible for keeping the membership informed of state, regional and national issues such as proposed legislation or new government policies. Under direction of the MACRAO Board, this position may engage in promotion, advocacy and the advancement of academic and educational policy through coordinated communication with legislators in congress and state legislature.
- The Past President shall assume responsibilities at the conclusion of the annual conference. Her/his duties include serving as Chair of the Nominating Committee, Awards and Accolades, insuring a review of the by-laws and review of the strategic plan.
Section 5: Newly elected officers shall take office at the conclusion of the annual meeting at which they are elected.
- The transition of records should be completed by the end of the fiscal year.
Section 6: If vacancies occur on the Executive Committee during the year, they shall be filled as follows:
- President — the President-Elect shall assume the office of President.
- President-Elect — the Treasurer will assume the office of President-Elect, the Treasurer-Elect shall become the Treasurer and a new Treasurer-Elect will be appointed.
- Treasurer/Treasurer-Elect — the Nominating Committee will forward a nomination to the President who, with the approval of the Executive Committee, will make the appointment.
- Vice-President for Membership and Outreach— the Nominating Committee will forward a nomination to the President who, with the approval of the Executive Committee, will make the appointment.
- Past President — the Nominating Committee will forward the name of an available past president to the President who, with the approval of the Executive Committee, will make the appointment.
- Secretary/Historian — the Nominating committee will forward a nomination to the President who, with approval of the Executive Committee, will make the appointment.
- Vice-President for Government Relations - the Nominating committee will forward a nomination to the President who, with approval of the Executive Committee, will make the appointment.
- Vice-President for Web Services and Technology — the Nominating committee will forward a nomination to the President who, with the approval of the Executive Committee, will make the appointment.
Section 1: Association officers shall be elected at the business session held at the annual conference.
The Nominating Committee shall make available to the members with the annual conference materials the slate of nominees. When the nominative slate is presented, an opportunity must be provided for additional nominations from the floor.
Section 2: If the nominating procedure results in two or more candidates being nominated for any one office, voting will be done by paper ballot.
Section 3: Each active member present is entitled to one vote for each office.
Section 1: An annual meeting of the Association shall be called with the precise date and location set by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the authority, in case of emergency, to advance, postpone, or omit an annual meeting. In such a case, the time between two consecutive meetings of the Association shall be counted as one (1) year of administration.
Section 2: The Executive Committee shall set registration fees for the annual meeting.
Section 3: Association business shall be conducted at the annual meeting by the active members present.
Section 4: Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President or by the President-Elect if the President is unable to do so.
Section 1: An Executive Committee comprised of the President, President-Elect, Vice-President for Membership and Outreach, Vice-President for Government Relations, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect, Past President, Secretary/Historian and Vice-President for Web Services and Technology shall serve to conduct the business of the Association.
Section 2: The Association will be served by the following standing committees with the responsibilities and duties prescribed:
- Site Selection Committee
- Conference Planning Committee
- Audit Committee
- Technology Committee
- New Member Orientation Committee
- Nominating Committee
- Professional Development Committee
2.1 The Conference Planning Committee and the New Member Orientation Committee shall, in conjunction with the President –Elect, provide for professional enrichment and service to the membership in the respective designated areas. Toward fulfillment of these responsibilities, these committees shall be charged as follows:
- To arrange for the development and presentation of sessions of high quality for the program of each annual meeting.
- To participate in on-going assignments on behalf of the Association as requested by the Executive Committee.
- To encourage the development of professional activities applicable to the Committee and initiated by the members of the Committee.
2.2The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for securing and presenting a slate of nominees for the elective offices of the Association. The report shall be presented at the annual meeting at which time an opportunity shall be given for additional nominations from the floor.
- The President-Elect shall be nominated to serve as President for a one-year term. The candidate for President-Elect may be chosen from the Association’s active membership to serve a one-year term.
- The candidate for Treasurer-Elect may be chosen from the Association’s active membership to serve a three-year term, commencing in odd-numbered years.
- The candidate for Vice-President for Membership and Outreach may be chosen from the Association’s active membership to serve a two-year term, commencing in odd-numbered years.
- The candidate for Secretary/Historian may be chosen from the Association’s active membership to serve a two-year term, commencing in even-numbered years.
- The candidate for Vice-President for Web Services and Technology may be chosen from the Association's active membership to serve a two-year term, commencing in even-numbered years.
- The candidate for Vice-President for Government Relationsmay be chosen from the Association's active membership to serve a two-year term, commencing in even-numbered years.
2.3 The Audit Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the financial records and legal documents of the Association on a bi-annual base. The report of the findings shall be presented at the annual meeting in the year that the audit is conducted.
- The Audit committee will be chaired by the Treasurer-Elect, and include volunteers from the Association’s active membership.
- The Audit will include reviewing the below since the last audit;
- Verified Treasurer’s report presented to the membership at the annual meeting.
- Reviewed banking records, deposits, withdrawals and certificate of deposits
- Verified that there is a copy of the IRS Determination Letter on file ad that an annual report will be filed when required.
- Identification of individuals authorized to sign checks or receive credit cards.
- Filing Form 990-N with IRS
- Filing of Biennial Report with State of Missouri
Section 3: All standing committees shall perform such additional duties as may be delegated to them by the President and the Executive Committee.
Section 4: Appointments to all standing committees will be by invitation of the President with the concurrence of the Executive Committee. Membership to these committees will be representative of the membership at large of the Association.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of representation from the following groups:
- Bi, Committee Chair.
- The University of Missouri System
- Two-Year Public Colleges
- Regional Universities and Four-Year State Colleges
- Private Colleges
- Member-at-Large
Section 5: New members of all standing committees shall begin as soon as possible after the term of the President begins.
Section 6: The Association shall be served by the appointment of ad hoc committees as deemed necessary and appropriate by the President in consultation with the Executive Committee. These committees shall be appointed to perform designated and specific services for the Association with the duration of appointment determined by the President as appropriate to the nature and extent of the services to be performed.
Section 7: Nothing in this Article shall be construed as preventing the appointment, through the established procedure, of ad hoc or additional standing committees as deemed necessary for the continuance of the work of the Association.
ARTICLE VI – Dues and Fiscal Year
Section 1: The amount of the annual institutional dues shall be set by the Executive Committee and voted on by the active membership at the annual meeting. All institutional dues shall be payable on or before August 1.
Section 2: The Association will consider its fiscal year closing as of the last day of each calendar year.
ARTICLE VII – Non-Discrimination Clause
Section 1: Non-discrimination statement and policy
The Missouri Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (MACRAO) is committed to providing a safe, inclusive and respectful environment for all. MACRAO does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, selection of executive board members, volunteers and vendors, conferences and workshops and any other provision of services provided by the organization. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members and volunteers.
AACRAO Discrimination and Misconduct Policy
Board Statement on Prohibited Bias, Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual and Related Misconduct
AACRAO is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful working environment for its employees and volunteers, including the Association's Board of Directors and those serving on Association committees. This policy furthers AACRAO's commitment to creating an environment free of bias, discrimination, harassment, and sexual and related misconduct, and to meeting applicable legal requirements.
We hire, train, promote, compensate, and dismiss employees and engage or dismiss volunteers without regard for age, citizenship, race, national or ethnic origin, color, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status or family responsibility, family medical or genetic information, disability, medical condition, religion, veteran status, political affiliation, matriculation, or other classifications protected by applicable federal, state, or local laws.
All forms of harassment are prohibited. Harassment can be verbal, visual, or physical or can be communicated in writing or electronically. Harassment includes but is not limited to situations where one person has authority over another. Harassment is any unwelcome verbal or physical conduct when:
submission to such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term of condition of an individual's participation or advancement in the organization; or
submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis or threatened to be used for participation or decision affecting the individual.
Original considered by Governance Committee of the AACRAO Board of Directors, January 26, 2018
Approved by the Governance Committee March 1, 2018
Approved by the AACRAO Board of Directors March 7, 2018