
MACRAO membership provides an opportunity for you and your institution to contribute to the advancement of higher education in the state of Missouri and to further develop in your profession through:

  • Attending the annual conference at a discount rate. Here you will learn about innovations in the areas of enrollment management, admissions and registrar-related responsibilities, as well as network with colleagues throughout the state to learn how others are addressing issues you face every day.
  • Presenting at the annual conference sharing successful programs and practices while expanding your opportunities for professional development.
  • Participating in summer drive-in workshops free to all staff from member institutions. These workshops provide an opportunity for continued networking as well as professional development for your support staff.
  • Participating in the MACRAO Listserv  keeps you up-to-date on developments in higher education nationally and within the state; provides a forum for discussion of higher education issues; allows easy access to colleagues for benchmarking and determining best practices.
  • Receiving prompt information regarding current Higher Ed job postings in Missouri, and nationwide.
  • Enhancing your leadership experience by serving on the Executive Board and Committees.
  • Accessing the members-only functions of the website  including viewing and editing your member account (updating address, email, institution, etc.) and searching the member database for member contact information.

Types of Membership:

Institutional Membership
All higher education institutions in the state of Missouri that are regionally accredited, or accepted by the MACRAO executive committee, are encouraged to apply for or renew membership every June. The $125 annual membership fee entitles institutions to an unlimited number of individual members. Please see below for the updated annual membership fee for 2025-2026. Each institution should designate a "Primary Contact" who will be responsible for paying the annual institutional membership fee and updating the institutions membership roster. Additional members from member institutions may be added individually at any time by clicking Become a Member in the Membership section of the website.

Associate Membership
Associate members are those professionals that are not currently members of the Missouri higher education community, but who are welcome to participate in the organization because of their related function or close proximity to the state. All rights and privileges of regular membership are afforded to associate members with the exception of voting and holding office. Vendors and other professionals are encouraged to join as MACRAO associate members. 

Honorary Membership
MACRAO offers an honorary membership to selected long-time professional and associate members who have retired from the registration, admission, and enrollment management professions. Special recognitions and conference rates are offered to honorary members.

2025-2026 Membership Structure

  • Yearly Membership Fee-$200

For questions about membership, contact the Vice President for Membership.

Having trouble with accessing website? Contact Vice President for Web Services.